
Foldr - the remote-working powerhouse

We'll show you all this unassuming software has to offer

Foldr is many things. It brings together your cloud and on-premise storage putting them into one user-friendly interface (accessible from anywhere - even your home office!) as well as being a fantastic document management tool for those who have un-complex business needs. 

We'll cover:

  • Overview of Foldr with an introduction to key features
  • Understanding this fantastic solution and its disruptive price point
  • Foldr as an entry-level Document Management solution
  • Current marketplace and opportunities

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Level up Foldr - make it yours and add some Capture

A cup of Capture and a sprinkle of Foldr customisation, the recipe for a perfect webinar?

We'll show you how you can create your own workflows using the tools within Foldr, including:

  • Adding Global Capture to a digital workflow
  • Customising Foldr to suit an organisation - with logos, images and colours
  • Embedding a Foldr Share in a web page

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Supercharged digital workflows with Foldr and Square 9

In this webinar, we'll be covering how to digitise your current paper-based processes while integrating Square 9 GlobalForms into the mix. You'll see how to utilise Foldr as a Print Output location and how to add external data sources, with an added bonus of building out this powerhouse of remote working with some serious digital transformation.


We'll cover:

  • Foldr as a Print Output location
  • Combining the Foldr engine with external data sources
  • Foldr and forms


On-demand coming soon...



ECM: The basics - How ECM can work to make businesses more efficient and secure

This webinar will show you how you can use ECM fields and searches to create simple workflows, as well as how Square 9 can offer really fast, budget-friendly ways to get these processes implemented.

You will also learn the differences between using a capture only process, like Drivve, AutoStore or even our GlobalSearch and using an ECM tool.

Finally, it will cover how Square 9 GlobalSearch can interact with other software tools you already use to make life easier, more efficient and secure.


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Intuitive BI - data made clear with dashboards for PaperCut

Learn how Intuitive BI transforms PaperCut data

Intuitive is the latest addition to our product family, offering you a valuable Business Intelligence product that complements PaperCut.

We'll cover:

  • The new partnership between Intuitive and Selectec
  • What is an interactive dashboard and what can it do for you
  • Demonstration of this powerful dashboard solution

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New Elatec technology and quick deployment tools

Quickly deploy the latest products from Elatec

Take a look at Elatec's latest card reader technology to help secure prints and manage users' costs, as well as the fantastic AppBlaster, which enables fast setup and deployment of software.
We'll cover:
  • Introduction to RFID
  • ELATEC products and services
  • Technology trends for authentication
  • Methods of reprogramming card readers for bespoke output

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